The Martyrs of the Homeland Are Immortal Because the Homeland Is Immortal

– Report by the Communist Party of Albania –

Today, on May 5, 2024, the Communist Party of Albania (PKSH) held a political event on the occasion of the Day of the Martyrs of the Homeland. Members and sympathizers of the PKSH participated in this event. The Chairman of the PKSH, Comrade Qemal Cicollari, accompanied by other leaders of the party, was also present at this political event. In accordance with the plan of action, at the entrance to the Cemetery of the Martyrs of the Nation, the PKSH, as always, set up an outdoor exhibition featuring photos of Enver Hoxha and the martyrs, PKSH flags, banners, exhibits related to the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War, etc. The PKSH exhibition was visited by hundreds of citizens who had come to pay homage at the graves of the Martyrs of the Nation, expressing great love and respect for Enver Hoxha and the martyrs of the Homeland, as well as highly appreciating the political stance of the PKSH. The Communist Party of Albania paid tribute at the graves of the National Martyrs. On behalf of the PKSH, a wreath with flowers was placed at the “Mother Albania” Monument by Comrade Qemal Cicollari, the Chairman of the PKSH, and Comrade Alban Çela, the First Secretary of the “Qemal Stafa” Communist Youth of Albania. Communist comrades paid tribute at the graves of the martyrs and at the grave of Qemal Stafa, Hero of the People.

Comrade Qemal Cicollari, Chairman of the PKSH, addressed the attendees on the topic of the importance of May 5, the Day of the Martyrs of the Homeland. Dear comrades! The Communist Party of Albania bows with great honur and deep gratitude before the glorious and immortal lives and deeds of the martyrs of the Homeland. This year, the Day of the Martyrs of the Homeland coincides with the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Albania on November 29, 1944, on the foundation of which lies the blood of 28,000 martyrs of the Homeland. As is globally recognized, on November 29, 1944, the Albanian people, led by the Communist Party of Albania and Enver Hoxha, liberated Albania from the Italian-German fascist occupiers and the collaborationist traitors of the Homeland, setting up the people’s state power. In this titanic struggle for the life or death of the Albanian people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Albania and Enver Hoxha for national and social liberation, 28,000 martyrs gave their blood and lives.

Glory to the Martyrs of the Homeland! As known from history, the official declaration of May 5 as the symbolic Day of the Martyrs of the Homeland by the socialist state led by the Communist Party of Albania and the great Enver Hoxha after the liberation of Albania and the triumph of the People’s Revolution on November 29, 1944, is linked to the heroic fall of Qemal Stafa, a member of the Central Committee of the PKSH and the Political Secretary of the Communist Youth of Albania, who fell heroically in the fight against the fascist Italian occupiers and traitors of the country on May 5, 1942.

Glory to Qemal Stafa, Hero of the People!

Dear comrades! During the socialist era of Enver Hoxha, the lives and deeds of the martyrs of the Homeland were elevated to the pedestal of glory for almost half a century. The socialist state led by the Party of Labour of Albania (PLA) and Enver Hoxha honoured the names of the heroes and martyrs of the Homeland in state institutions, factories, combines, schools, stadiums, boulevards, streets, etc. The socialist state led by the PLA and Enver Hoxha, in honouring and remembering the martyrs of the Homelqnd, erected magnificent cemeteries, museums, monuments, lapidars, published books and held numerous official commemorative activities for the martyrs, etc. The socialist state led by the PLA and the great Enver Hoxha politically and morally honoured and strongly supported the children and families of the martyrs with financial assistance, prioritized work and scholarships for the children of the martyrs and their families, etc. The heroes and martyrs of the Homeland were revived by the PLA and the great Enver Hoxha.

Glory to the great Enver, commander and commissar of the 28,000 martyrs of the Homeland!

Dear comrades! After the overthrow of socialism and the restoration of capitalism in Albania through the bourgeois-revisionist “peaceful” counter-revolution led by the former revisionist Party of Labour of Albania directed by the chief revisionist and traitor Ramiz Alia, even the 28,000 martyrs of the Homeland were betrayed. In capitalist Albania, the Albanian capitalist state led by the former Democratic Party of the bourgeois neo-fascist Sali Berisha falsified, denigrated, criminalized and denied the glorious lives and deeds of the martyrs of the Homeland led by the Communist Party of Albania and Enver Hoxha. This reactionary bourgeois and neo-fascist state demolished the graves of the martyrs, destroyed museums, monuments, lapidars, removed the names of the martyrs from streets, schools, etc., denigrated, discriminated against and marginalized the descendants of the families of the martyrs, etc. The neo-fascist bourgeois state of Sali Berisha erected an honorary monument in the centre of Tirana to the former traitor king Ahmet Zogu, who killed the heroes of the Homeland Bajram Curri, Luigj Gurakuqi, Hasan Prishtina, etc., and imprisoned the communist heroes Qemal Stafa, Vasil Shanto, etc. The neo-fascist bourgeois state of Sali Berisha officially declared the Ballist-Zogist traitors of the Homeland, these murderers of the martyrs of the Homeland, “martyrs of democracy” and financially rewarded their biological offspring as “political persecuted.” With this criminal policy, the neo-fascist bourgeois state of Sali Berisha politically and morally killed the martyrs of the Homeland.

The Albanian bourgeois state led by the bourgeois Socialist Party of Fatos Nano and Edi Rama, while politically demagoguing that they respect the lives and deeds of the martyrs of the Homeland, in fact, falsified, denigrated and denied the lives and deeds of the 28,000 martyrs led by the Communist Party of Albania and Enver Hoxha. As is known globally, the bourgeois state led by the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Edi Rama removed the name of Qemal Stafa, the Hero of the People, from the National Stadium. The bourgeois state led by the Socialist Party of Fatos Nano and Edi Rama politically rehabilitated the traitors of the Homeland. It is an undeniable fact that the bourgeois state led by the Socialist Party of the neo-Ballist Prime Minister Edi Rama politically rehabilitated and erected an honorary bust of Mithat Frashëri, the chairman of the treacherous collaborationist organization “Balli Kombëtar,” which in collaboration with the Italian-German fascist occupiers killed the 28,000 martyrs.

This anti-communist, anti-people and anti-national policy of the reactionary Albanian bourgeois state and the right-wing bourgeois parties constitutes a great crime against the martyrs of the Homeland, against the glorious history of the Albanian people and against the freedom and independence of Albania. The history of mankind teaches us that whoever fights against the martyrs of the Homeland fights against the Homeland, and fights against the freedom and independence of the Homeland.

Dear comrades! For this 80th anniversary of the liberation of Albania, the Albanian bourgeois state and the bourgeois right-wing parties, within the framework of the struggle against communism, have started a new campaign against the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War, and especially against the organizing and leading role of the Communist Party of Albania and Enver Hoxha in this heroic and glorious war, against the heroes and martyrs, against the Partisan National Liberation Army, against the commissars and commanders of this heroic and glorious army. This bunch of bourgeois ideologues and servants of the Albanian bourgeois class in power and its bourgeois state continue to propagate the reactionary and unscientific infamous thesis that supposedly the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War was a “civil war”, with the aim of falsifying, denigrating and denying it. This anti-communist, anti-people and anti-national policy of the Albanian bourgeois ruling class and its bourgeois state is sure to fail in the future because the Albanian people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Albania, will win by overthrowing the old capitalist system of oppression and exploitation and establishing the new socialist and communist system without oppression and exploitation of man by man.

Dear comrades! For almost 40 years, under very difficult conditions of capitalist rule and a neo-fascist bourgeois regime with its democratic mask, the Communist Party of Albania has defended and will defend the glorious lives and deeds of the 28,000 martyrs of the Homeland. The Communist Party of Albania has unmasked and will unmask the anti-communist, anti-people and anti-national policy of the Albanian bourgeois ruling class and its bourgeois state. The Communist Party of Albania, for this 80th anniversary of the liberation of Albania, will organize and carry out political actions in honour of the heroes and martyrs of the Homeland.

Glory to May 5, the Day of the Martyrs of the Homeland!
Long Live the Communist Party of Albania!

(Translated from the Albanian original)

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