Enver Hoxha Library Selected Works Vol. 1Selected Works Vol. 2Selected Works Vol. 3Selected Works Vol. 4Selected Works Vol. 5Selected Works Vol. 6Selected Writings of the Great Marxist-Leninist Enver Hoxha on the Life and Work of the Party, the State and the People of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania, 1971-1977Albania Challenges Khrushchev RevisionismAmong Simple PeopleThe Anglo-American Threat to AlbaniaBy Way of a TestamentCan the Chinese Revolution Be Called a Proletarian Revolution?Eurocommunism Is Anti-CommunismImperialism and the RevolutionThe KhrushchevitesKosova Is AlbaniaLaying the Foundations of the New AlbaniaOn Literature and ArtProletarian Democracy Is Genuine DemocracyReflections on China Vol. 1Reflections on China Vol. 2Reflections on the Middle EastReport on the Role and Tasks of the Democratic Front for the Complete Triumph of Socialism in AlbaniaReport to the 7th Congress of the Party of Labour of AlbaniaReport to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of AlbaniaThe SuperpowersThrough the Pages of Volume XIX of the Works of Comrade Enver HoxhaThe TitoitesWith StalinYugoslav “Self-Administration” — A Capitalist Theory and Practice (Special credit to november8ph.ca, enverhoxha.info, enver-hoxha.net, enverhoxha.ru and archive.org)