– A. Kalinin –

The Tito fascist clique is an abominable product of the darkest forces of international reaction. The imperialists rightly regard Tito as Hitler’s successor. It is no accident that when the fascists captured power in Germany the Tito-Ranković clique was in the service of the Hitlerite Gestapo which later turned over the Yugoslav traitors to the secret services of other imperialist powers.
Irrefutable facts revealed at the trials of Koçi Xoxe, Laszlo Rajk and Traicho Kostov showed that while thousands of Yugoslav patriots were brutally put to death in the torture chambers of the Gestapo, the ringleaders of the Titoite gang, including Ranković, were at liberty because they were already at that time agents of the imperialist secret services. This is also confirmed by other voluminous data.
A trial was recently held in Belgrade of Božidar Bečarović, who was in charge of the department fighting communism in Nedić’s police, Svetozar Vukmanović, chief of a camp in Božica, Nikolai Guborev and their hangers-on. The Titoites were forced to organize this trial of their former adherents under the pressure of the masses who were outraged by the fact that these butchers not only suffered no punishment but even served as instructors in the UDB, the State Security Administration. By organizing this trial, the Yugoslav rulers pursued at the same time the object of distracting the attention of the working people of the country from the trials of Laszlo Rajk and Traicho Kostov which exposed the Tito clique as guilty of treachery, espionage and the organization of assassinations. But things turned out differently.
At the trial Prosecutor Jurić, thinking that he knew in advance the answer of the defendant, asked Bečarović if he knew that the man who had been in the prison hospital of the Gestapo under the name of engineer Peršić was Leko Ranković, one of the leaders of the Communist Party. Both the prosecutor and the judge were certain of a negative answer but, contrary to their expectations, Bečarović told the truth. ”Yes, I knew,” he replied. “Two of my assistants and I knew it. The passport in the name of engineer Peršić was given Ranković by my employee.”
This is how Bečarović exposed Ranković and upset the entire comedy trial of their confreres staged by the Titoites. The Tito clique was forced to cut short the trial and shoot the defendants, not for their sanguinary deeds but in order to conceal their traces, in order to avoid more exposures.
While serving the Gestapo, the Tito clique betrayed many communists and patriots. Thus Vukmanović (Tempo) betrayed the Communist Party and Young Communist League organization in Sarajevo in 1941. Hundreds of young patriots were then cast into prison and concentration camps, many of them were killed. In the same year Tito’s colleague Velebit denounced members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Croatia who met at his villa.
Thus the Belgrade hirelings of imperialist reaction, even before coming to power, destroyed by various means the finest sons of the Yugoslav people.
Seeking to behead the communist and labour movement in the country, the Titoites have pursued a policy of the mass annihilation of the finest proletarian forces. Thousands of Yugoslav patriots have fallen victim to treacherous directives and orders. The treachery of Tito, Ranković and Djilas in the valley of the Pivo, Tire and Sutjeska rivers alone in March 1943, claimed the lives of thousands of patriots.
On gaining power under the guise of friends of the USSR, the fascist Tito clique, on orders of the imperialists, from the very first days pursued its foul, subversive activity aimed against the Soviet Union and the entire camp of democracy and socialism.
Fearing exposure, the Titoites constantly expanded and reinforced Ranković’s Gestapo machinery, exterminating Yugoslav communists who adhered to the positions of internationalism and all the patriots of the country. Every free expression of progressive, democratic thoughts endangers one’s life and freedom. Party organizations which came out against the Belgrade rulers were dissolved, and communists who do not want to become traitors to their country are cast into prison by Ranković’s janizaries, where they are brutally tortured and killed. Recently 24 communists in Sarajevo condemned the fascist policy of Tito. They were immediately arrested and turned over to Rankovic’s butchers.
Tito and Ranković seek to crush the struggle of Yugoslav patriots by vicious terror. At a meeting of the party organization in the State Control Commission of Vojvodina, Isa Jovanović, a member of the Central Committee of the so-called Communist Party of Yugoslavia, openly threatened ”to cut off the head of anyone who disagrees with the line of Tito.” Slobodan Penezić, Minister of the Interior of Serbia, issued a directive at a meeting of officers of the UDB ’’not to feel constrained and to kill everyone you think necessary.”
The London Economist, journal of the British industrial circles, wrote in an article discussing American help to Tito that the American government, while rendering ever-growing help to Tito, entertains no illusions as to the dictatorship and lack of democratic freedom in the country.
Spies and assassins are in power in Yugoslavia. The Tito clique now openly fascizes all links of public and governmental life in the country. People’s power has been liquidated in Yugoslavia and only the old shingles remain — “People’s Front,” “People’s Committees,” ’’People’s Skupština.” Former Ustaše, Četniks and supporters of Nedić, who shed torrents of blood of the Yugoslav people during the German occupation, now hold posts in all links of the government machinery and mass organizations.
The national policy of the Tito clique is a national-chauvinist policy of a fascist type, a policy of the brutal oppression of the national minorities and their deprivation of every right for free development. The organizations of national minorities have been disbanded. Their honest leaders have been arrested and killed in the prisons of the Yugoslav fascist butchers.
The Titoites are turning the army into an army directed against the people. They are driving out of the army and arresting any officer who arouses the least doubt. Traitors, spies and officers of the former royal army are placed in leading posts. The army is being educated in the spirit of bestial chauvinism, hatred for the entire camp of peace, democracy and socialism.
The Yugoslav rulers are inviting from Western Germany former SS-men who, as instructors, drill hundreds of thousands of Yugoslav youths driven into Titoite barracks.
The police-Gestapo regime also reigns in the universities and schools. Students in Yugoslav schools are made to study the fascist-chauvinist pronouncements of the Titoite ringleaders and all kinds of ideological, mystic and reactionary rubbish. Contrary to the will of the people, the study of the Russian language as a required subject has been discontinued.
The “people’s court” in Yugoslavia has become in the hands of the Yugoslav rulers a weapon of terror and repressions used against the people fighting for their freedom and independence.
The Yugoslav press and radio, which are completely controlled by the Tito clique, are likewise channels of fascist imperialist propaganda.
The Belgrade rulers covered Yugoslavia with a chain of prisons and work camps. There is no end to murders and executions. Present-day Yugoslavia is a country of sanguinary terror and a prison of the peoples. But no fascist-Gestapo terror can break the freedom-loving spirit of the working people of Yugoslavia. Their struggle against the fascist Tito-Ranković gang grows and gains in strength.
(Taken from USSR Information Bulletin, April 14, 1950, pp. 221-222, edited for style and grammar)
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