– Qemal Cicollari, Chairman of the PKSH –
For several days now, a great uproar has been made in some media regarding a statement by Edi Rama in his “famous” podcast during an interview with the singer Frederik Ndoci, in which he said, “In 1990, Sali Berisha did not want to release the political prisoners because they were the scum of society.”
With the media interested in this statement by Edi Rama, they are searching for a “needle in a haystack” with questions and interviews of various “competent” and incompetent people, including the accused Sali Berisha, to uncover the “truth” about Edi Rama’s statement.
The questioned and interviewed “competent” and incompetent people are trying to “solve” this political “puzzle” either according to the political appetite of Edi Rama and Sali Berisha or according to their mediocre political mindset of the “golden mean” with the naive response “I was not in high state positions at that time,” etc. Meanwhile, Sali Berisha furiously and decisively declared that Rama’s accusation against him is another lie.
But what is the truth regarding the statement of the bourgeois prime minister Edi Rama, chairman of the bourgeois neo-Ballist Socialist Party, directed at the leader of the bourgeois opposition Sali Berisha, chairman of the bourgeois neo-fascist Democratic Party?
To uncover the truth of this political statement by Edi Rama, we need to know and understand:
Firstly, the time and circumstances in which this political statement is made;
Secondly, who the political prisoners are;
Thirdly, who Sali Berisha and Edi Rama are.
What Are the Time and Circumstances of Edi Rama’s Statement?
This statement by Edi Rama is not at all “new” or original. Edi Rama and Sali Berisha have systematically accused each other for years of “hostile” behaviour towards political prisoners. The “newness” of Edi Rama’s statement lies in the fact that it is made on the eve of the election campaign, where Edi Rama is trying to politically co-opt the layer of political prisoners into the “electoral armpits” of the Socialist Party, as he has done before, to gain their votes.
In reality, nothing ideologically or politically distinguishes or separates Edi Rama’s Socialist Party from the layer of political prisoners. The bourgeois neo-Ballist Socialist Party of Edi Rama, as a party of the bourgeois class, expresses and defends the vital interests of the ruling bourgeois class, which mercilessly oppresses and exploits the working class and the working masses, the people. The political prisoners, as history shows, are that political layer that has expressed and defended the vital interests of the bourgeois class.
As a result, Edi Rama’s bourgeois neo-Ballist Socialist Party has essentially expressed and defended the bourgeois class interests of the political prisoners. Therefore, the bourgeois neo-Ballist Socialist Party and the layer of political prisoners during socialism essentially fight for the defence and perpetuation of the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system against the new socialist and communist system without human oppression and exploitation.
Who Are the Political Prisoners?
The history of the Albanian people shows us with undeniable and irrefutable facts and documents that political prisoners are a reactionary bourgeois socio-class category that tried and fought by various means to overthrow the people’s state power led by the Party of Labour of Albania and Enver Hoxha, to overthrow the new socialist and communist system without human oppression and exploitation, and to restore the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system.
This reactionary socio-class layer of political prisoners consisted of the following elements:
1. Elements of the oppressive and exploitative feudal-bourgeois class and their remnants who, after the liberation of the Albanian people led by the Communist Party of Albania and Enver Hoxha from the Italo-German fascist occupiers and the Ballist-Zogite traitors to the Homeland and collaborators on November 29, 1944, tried and fought with propaganda, sabotage, bands of insurgents and armed uprisings, aiming to violently overthrow the people’s state power during socialism and Enver Hoxha’s time to restore the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system in Albania and regain their lost “paradise,” meaning their old exploitative power.
2. Elements and remnants of the traitorous and collaborationist organizations of the “Balli Kombëtar” and Legaliteti, who fought in cooperation with and under the command of the Italo-German fascist occupiers against the people and the National Liberation Partisan Army, killing 28,000 martyrs and destroying and burning Albania. After the liberation of Albania, these criminal traitors to the Homeland and collaborators fought with propaganda, bands of insurgents killing communists, leaders of the Party and state, and even innocent people including women and children, aiming to violently overthrow the people’s state power during socialism and Enver Hoxha’s time and to restore the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system.
3. Degenerate heterogeneous socio-class elements, a bunch of spies, agents, insurgents, and servants of foreign imperialist and revisionist intelligence agencies such as the American CIA, Soviet KGB, Yugoslav UDB, Greek Asfalia, etc.
4. Degenerate elements during socialism, former degenerate members and cadres of the Party, degenerate state cadres, degenerate intellectuals, people with low ideological and political levels, etc., who betrayed the ideals of socialism where the people were in power, where the working class was in alliance with the working peasantry, and fought with propaganda, sabotage, conspiracies, etc., aiming to overthrow the new socialist system without human oppression and exploitation and to restore the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system.
All these political prisoners united in a common anti-communist and anti-socialist front with international imperialism under the orders of American imperialism, aiming to overthrow the new socialist and communist system and restore the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system in Albania. All these political prisoners during socialism and Enver Hoxha’s time were judged and sentenced by courts of the state according to the laws of the Constitution of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania, based on irrefutable facts and documents that fully proved their crimes against the people and Homeland.
The class struggle of political prisoners against the people’s state power during socialism and Enver Hoxha’s time was an expression of class struggle, which is an objective phenomenon even in socialism. This class struggle in socialism exists and develops as long as classes exist and was not an invention of the Party of Labour of Albania and Enver Hoxha, as the enemies of socialism and Enver Hoxha prattle and slander. Marxist-Leninist science teaches us, and human history shows us as well, that class struggle arose along with the emergence of private property and antagonistic classes in slave-owning society; this class struggle has continuously developed in history both in the slave-owning order between slaves and slave-owners, in the feudal order between serfs and feudal lords, in the capitalist order between proletarians and bourgeoisie, and in the socialist order between the ruling working class and the overthrown former exploiting bourgeois class and its remnants, as well as the degenerate elements during socialism.
Marxist-Leninist science teaches us that class struggle is an expression of the irreconcilable contrast of interests between classes and that class struggle will exist as an objective phenomenon as long as classes exist, until communism when classes are abolished.
Who Are Edi Rama and Sali Berisha?
Regarding Edi Rama’s statement against his political “Siamese twin” Sali Berisha concerning political prisoners, it is simply the latest political demagogy which, as I emphasized earlier, is an electoral gimmick aimed at gaining votes on the eve of the election campaign. Edi Rama and Sali Berisha are both reactionary bourgeois politicians and power-holders, servants of the ruling Albanian bourgeoisie which mercilessly oppresses and exploits the working class and the working masses, the people.
Edi Rama and Sali Berisha, as known from history, for about 34 years have expressed and defended the reactionary bourgeois class interests of the layer of political prisoners. They have competed with each other, trying to serve and cater to the political prisoners, these enemies of the people and Homeland. As known from history, Sali Berisha and Edi Rama, with their anti-communist, anti-people, anti-democratic and anti-national governments have declared political prisoners, these enemies of the people and Homeland, as “torches” and “martyrs” of “democracy,” rewarding them for their crimes against the people and Homeland with hefty special pensions and large systematic financial rewards extracted from the exploitation of the sweat and blood of the people. This is a great crime by Sali Berisha and Edi Rama against the people and Homeland.
Edi Rama and Sali Berisha have served, like loyal dogs, the political prisoners for two major reasons:
First, Edi Rama and Sali Berisha are the highest political state representatives and loyal servants of the ruling Albanian bourgeoisie, part of which are the political prisoners, which mercilessly oppresses and exploits the working class and the working masses, the people;
Second, Edi Rama and Sali Berisha have expressed and defended the bourgeois class interests of the political prisoners, catering to them to gain the trust and blessing of their American and European imperialist masters, the old patrons and friends of the political prisoners.
Edi Rama and Sali Berisha know very well that with this subservient political behaviour towards the American and European imperialists, with this “political passport” in the service of political prisoners, they will earn the right to enter the “cold heart” of their American and European imperialist patrons, to secure the “legal” right to obtain and guarantee political power and enjoy the fabulous financial and wealth benefits that stem from their seat of power, as has happened over the past 34 years in capitalist Albania. Sali Berisha and Edi Rama know very well that their political heads are at risk at any moment and could become “sacrificial lambs” at the mercy of their American and European imperialist patrons, who can cut off Sali’s and Edi’s heads at any moment when their political interests demand it. The American and European imperialist patrons have used and will continue to use their Albanian political vassals in their service like squeezed lemons and will discard them into the trash bin when they are no longer needed, as has happened recently with Sali’s “non grata.”
Capitalist Albania under Sali Berisha and Edi Rama has been and remains a colony of Euro-American imperialism. This is the major reason why Sali Berisha and Edi Rama, these obedient and miserable vassals, constantly lick the feet and behinds of their American and European imperialist patrons. This subservient and perverse vassal mentality towards the American imperialist patrons was openly and shamelessly expressed by Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama a few days ago in his podcast with Frederik Ndoci when he said: “…we have fought for America to intervene in Albania’s internal affairs.” Such a scandalous statement by a prime minister of a country, even a colonial one, is hard to find in the world. Prime Minister Edi Rama represents the shame of Albania.
Sali Berisha and Edi Rama, as known from history, with their anti-communist, anti-people, anti-democratic and anti-national policies, for about 34 years at the head of the bourgeois neo-fascist Democratic Party and bourgeois neo-Ballist Socialist Party, have committed great crimes against the people and Homeland, just like the political prisoners, and as such, they are enemies of the people and Homeland.
Sali Berisha, Edi Rama and their accomplices will inevitably be judged and punished by the laws of the people when they come to power after the proletarian revolutionary overthrow of the old oppressive and exploitative capitalist system and the victory of the new socialist and communist system without human oppression and exploitation.
(Translated from the Albanian original)
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